Ibm sametime for windows 10 -

Ibm sametime for windows 10 -

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Ibm sametime for windows 10 


Ibm sametime for windows 10.Installing Installation Manager on Windows


The deployment instructions are organized by feature set, beginning with the minimum components that are necessary to support instant messaging, and then expanding the deployment to include features such as audio and video support, and conferencing.

This section explains how to install these clients. You can configure preferences for installed clients before distributing them to users, and then push updates to them automatically. The installation worksheets are organized according to feature area, such as instant messaging, audio video, and common components. Use the installation worksheets to record DNS-registered host names, database names, IP addresses, ports to open, credentials, and other information.

The checklist contains sample tables already filled out, and blank tables for you to fill out. IBM Load Balancer is used in a clustered environment. Follow the instructions for each type of deployment to determine which common components you need to install. Customize installation packages before deploying clients if you want default installations to include extra features or preferences. The Sametime client can be published as an application or you can choose to publish the desktop.

Configure an update site to distribute optional features and updates to clients. Customers with users who are unable to access the Google Play Store should contact IBM Support to request that a build be provided to them directly. Deploying Sametime servers in the extranet allows external clients to access Sametime features without directly connecting to servers deployed in your intranet.

Customer Support. Installation worksheets The installation worksheets are organized according to feature area, such as instant messaging, audio video, and common components. Customizing client installation packages Customize installation packages before deploying clients if you want default installations to include extra features or preferences.

Distributing updates and optional features to clients Configure an update site to distribute optional features and updates to clients. Before you begin. Installing Sametime Connect on Windows in silent mode You install the Sametime Connect Client on Microsoft Windows in silent mode by using two files that are provided with the client installation kit.



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